Wednesday 16 December 2009

De Fotos

Ok, as promised coming up are a few snaps from the past weekend. But first, after winter started warm and wet, the cold has arrived... in a big way! Unfortunately all that blue is headed this way, well I say headed, its bloody cold already, and as of this afternoon there is already 2cm of snow outside my house. Apparently, theres more to come... oh good. Best find me a mountain bike!So as previously shown, a slightly better photo of our house, with Jay and I waiting to get riding!

Josh soon turned into Phil O'Connor and was snapping away happily, a typical Vlaamse lane here.

Just before the coffee was brewed at the Centrum de Ronde Van Vlaanderen in Oudenaarde there was just time for the obligatory posing by the old Molteni team car, mmm a brown 70's Volvo... nice!

Amazingly, the sun came out after that, but fortunately the standard grey Belgian sky remained for this one!

Waregem is apparently a big horse racing town, I guess demonstrated by the massive equine statue above... home from home then.

And finally, one of the crew with the big old church. Josh, Andy, Me and Jay. Andy looking resplendent in his bright green Capinordic kit from this past season (he was their soigneur this year). Believe it or not, we tried to smile, but it was just too cold! Thanks again to Andy, see you in March...

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