Monday 26 October 2009

Sorry, I'm late...

So true to form, as those of you who know me will know, I'm late! Here is the long overdue return to the blog. No longer do I have the excuse that university is taking up all my time, in fact that excuse disappeared quite a while ago. If you don't know, I passed, eventually, gaining a 2:2. However, what with the massive crippling recession and all, it would be pointless going into the construction industry right now, so cycling it is!

This will just be a quick post today, just to say I'm back and I promise to be more up to date with this blog from now on. Especially as from mid March next spring I will be heading to Belgium to live in Waregem in the heart of Flanders.

The season that was 2009 is now finished, and there's many stories to be told. So I'll do so over the next few weeks. There's also a ton of pictures to get through too, so I'll try to get some of those up.

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